The story
The Safety Mindset
Nicolas is a new health and safety director who’s just been recruited to achieve zero accident as fast as possible, and you’re going to find yourself in his shoes, plunged into his world. Given the difficulty of his task, he seeks guidance from a consultant, Simon, a retired specialist in cultural transformation and human potential. Together, the two men will discover the organizational limits and the limits of the human factor. Over a series of meetings, they will explore the key factors of human potential and the safety mindset, with the aim of constructing a robust, agile, high-performance and resilient safety culture in order to maintain zero accident sustainably.
The book takes a twin approach: firstly, an imaginary view in the form of a story, inspired by real-life situations experienced by the author, and then full details of the theories and concepts involved. At individual level, you will be able to discover the mechanisms of beliefs, values, emotions, interferences of perception, attention, limits of human faculties and their deterioration, stress, human errors, decisions and behavior. Further on, you will be able to understand the key factors in human potential development and the safety mindset. On a collective and organizational level, you will be able to discover the key concepts of safety culture, the maturity of the safety culture, the management of cultural transformation, the collective dynamics, the role of safety leaders and the role of situational integrative meta-leader. The aim is to build Robust, Agile, High-Performance and Resilient safety culture to achieve and sustain zero accidents over the long term.
The Safety Mindset is a book that is teaming with ideas while also being pragmatic, and is particularly recommended for all managers and directors wishing to achieve zero accident in a sustainable way, and all those actively involved in accident prevention, such as health and safety directors or health and safety managers.
David VOLUER has built up over twenty years’ operational experience, on both the technical and managerial side, in national and international companies. He has held executive positions in health and safety of people at work, industrial safety and security and has also worked as a freelance consultant specialising in safety culture. He is passionate about handing on his experience and ideas to others, so we can make the most of a life free from injury every day and pass on the Safety Mindset.